Sunday, October 30, 2011

Who's afraid of the BIG BAD WOLF?

With three little boys, my sister in law and I began brainstorming what we could dress them as for Halloween. Well many ideas came and went ( Darth, Obewan, Yoda/ Mario, Luigi, a Mushroom/ Minions/ Monkeys) but it all came down to money. How much could we not spend making costumes? Then someone mentioned doing a classic three, 3 little pigs, 3 blind mice, 3 little bears.... you get the idea. We decided pigs would be easy, warm, and too funny not to. So we went to the store and got white items we needed and died them all pink. We were going for more of a light baby pink, but the hot pink we got was even funnier. Yes, those are three little boys in head to toe pink. Yes, everyone loved their costumes. Yes, everyone said "Isn't she soooo cute!"


We did BOO at THE ZOO withhem. They Loved it!


  1. THIS IS TOO CUTE!!! You are so creative. I would have never thought to make such cute outfits! Those boys really rocked the pink! Loved it!

  2. I love the look on Sam's face in the last pic!! Awesome idea MK!!
