Wednesday, July 6, 2011

4th of July

To start, my son RJ has weird anxiety of noises. Not necessarily loud ones either, but those get him too. Last 4th we went to Idaho Falls and staked out on the river for hours to watch, just to spend the whole time cuddling RJ (while I was 9 months pregnant) telling him it was all OK, they were just sounds and lights. The freakout he was having was compounded by the fact that it was HOURS past bed time (he goes to sleep at 7 usually)
From last 4th of July

So this year, I figured that there is no way I am going to go through that with two cranky little mama's boys. (When they are cranky only mom will do)
So we went to the breakfast with the Ward in the morning and played at the park. It was fun and I figured we would stay until we were the last ones. But some child pooped then slid down the slide. One of those really long twirly covered tubes. You can guess the result. And since that was the thing RJ was enjoying doing the most and now couldn't, we promptly dragged him out of the park kicking and screaming. No point in staying while he begged to go down the poop slide. It was sad cause the slide was packed with kids so parents were picking their kids up and sliding their bums in the grass to get *ehem* stuff off. It was slid down enough to probably be cleaned of noticeable residue, but i was still grossed out and refused to willingly let my kid slide down through remnants of poop. Call me crazy.
We even considered going to the parade! But it was through nap time and RJ would be excited for the first 5 or 10 minutes, which is so not worth the effort. So we went home. All day we sat around thinking of things we could do to celebrate. Didn't know any one to bbq with, didn't know any where to go. So we just hung out at home. Helio finally found the time to put together his Dunk Video (available on facebook for your viewing pleasure. The story behind that is that he said "I bet I can dunk on that short rim! McKay, video tape me!" So I did. Over and over and over as he failed too many times to count.) 
Finally, I looked down at our matching shirt and decided something had to be done! Even if it was just pictures! So I forced my husband to put the movie him and RJ  were watching on hold while we all went outside and mossied around the yard and took pictures.Yes I even went and dolled up just for the photos. Luckily we live in an area where not many people set off fireworks, so we even got to sleep early. So all of you who had to recuperate from your 4th weekend! I am not one of you!

1 comment:

  1. Very cute pics! And I totally understand the whole "kid hating fireworks" thing. Autumn is NOT a fan of loud bangs!! She spent a lot of time in Daddy's arms this weekend.
